Jim Govatos

Jim Govatos
Assistant to the Director
My name is Jim Govatos, and I am excited about the work being done by ICDM (International Christian Development Mission). For the past thirty years ICDM has invested into the lives of the people of Bayonnais. Feeding and schooling children, providing medical services, reaching out to senior citizens, empowering local businesspeople, and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They have also invested in the leadership of churches throughout Haiti by training young pastors in theology and leadership.
I first connected with Yvan Pierre and ICDM ten years ago and have been to Bayonnais about 6 times during that period of time. I have worked on various building projects and helped with some of their training programs. I have also led some church teams to share their talents and resources with the ministry.
I have recently retired from full time ministry as a Pastor in the United Methodist Church, freeing up some of my time to work on special projects with ICDM. Currently, I am helping with the "30 for 30" Campaign to raise $30,000 by the end of September to finish the third floor of the Center of Hope, ICDM's main building in Bayonnais. ICDM has always managed to do a lot for very little and this project is no exception. In finishing the Center of Hope, ICDM will be able to expand its ministry exponentially, a fitting way to celebrate 30 years of ministry. I hope you will join me in this very worthwhile program. All levels of contribution are available, and I ask you to consider a gift at whatever level you can afford in order to invest in the lives of the people of Bayonnais for now and for eternity.
You may reach me at revjimup@gmail.com or by phone at 407-756-0231.