Feed a School
So I encourage you join us, right now while you’re thinking about it. Click the button below before life’s many distractions pull you away. (They will, you know).
Our ICDM Motto is a powerful one --
“It always seems impossible…
Until someone does it!”
Together, let’s do something “impossible”. Act now.

"Monthly Angel"
Feeding Program
How It Works:
We are looking for 300 individuals or families willing to come along side us as a “Monthly Angel” in the amount of just $25/month. (The price of a couple of pizzas.)
We are searching for kindhearted people who will step up and say “Yes, I agree. This current situation (hungry kids) cannot continue. These beautiful children can’t possibly learn when they are hungry and I’m willing to do something about it….Count me in for $25 a month.”
The dollar goes far in Haiti, so your $25 feeds 50 of our wonderful children a hot, nutritious lunch. And we source our food locally, so that the money stays in the local community, providing much needed jobs. A real win-win.
Here Is How To Join Us:
It’s quick and easy!
- Select "Feeding Program" under the "Choose a Fund" tab below.
- Enter the amount of your monthly donation below.
- Follow the prompts to enter your credit card, debit or bank information.
From that moment on, you’ll have the personal satisfaction of knowing that once a month, you feed 50 terrific little children perhaps their only real meal of the day. (Wow, what a feeling!)
Many of you have had the opportunity to visit the ICDM operation in person and help feed the kids. So you know first-hand how appreciative they truly are. We take our food for granted in the United States….They don’t.
Feed a School for a Day
For just $600 you can provide a hot nutritious lunch for the entire school (800 children) for a day. That works out to a little over a dollar a day (the cost of a McDonald’s hamburger) for you.Two-Way Giving
Why not feed children and honor a loved one at the same time? You may give a day ($400) or a half day ($200) in memory or honor of a loved one. Your loved one’s name will appear on ICDM’s calendar and they or their survivor will receive a card from ICDM prior to their special day. Anniversaries, birthdays, memorials are all great opportunities to create a legacy by giving a gift that gives life to others.
To feed the school for a day or half day, simply go to the "Give to a Need" section at the bottom of this page and select "Feeding Program" under the "Choose a Fund" option. The right form will pop up for you to provide us with the information we need to help you make a difference. You may contact us directly if you would like to set up a payment plan.
Ready to Give Now?
Give to a NeedThe Need:
As you may know, I.C.D.M. operates a Christian Elementary School for 800+ little children up in the mountains of rural Haiti. Many of these children walk over an hour each way to school, up and down hills, wading through streams and rivers. It’s tough on little feet.
Important: Most of them arrive each day without having had any breakfast. Then they must attempt to sit down and try to concentrate and learn on an empty stomach. Not ideal. We at ICDM feel that it is imperative to be able to offer these wonderful children a nutritious hot lunch each day. But financially we can’t….The money just isn’t there.
Background Information:
It takes approx. $84,000 per year to provide this vital hot lunch each school day. While this may appear to be a daunting figure, we are starting a program that will break it down into small, manageable parts, based on the old philosophy “Many hands make for light work”.

Give To A Need