student from
Bayonnais Haiti.
Become A Sponsor
We invite you to help change the future by investing in the future of a child. Discover how your gift can make a huge difference.Your sponsorship of a child in Haiti will make a huge difference in his or her life. Because public education is not available to most children, ICDM is committed to providing quality, Bible-based education to as many needy children as possible.
Education and training in life skills are the golden keys to a better life, a way out of poverty, joblessness, and hopelessness. When you sponsor a child, you participate in training a new generation of leaders - leaders who will hold the key to a new day of change in Haiti.
Sponsor A Child TodayHow It Works
Amazingly, you can sponsor a child for about the same price as one meal for a family of four at a fast food restaurant!Contact ICDM &
Make A Commitment
Indicate whether you want to sponsor a boy or a girl and what age child you prefer.
Sponsor Your Child
& Set Up Payment
With an ongoing payment of $40 a month, you will be the only sponsor for this child.
You’ll Get An
Informational Packet
It will include a photo and an information sheet about your child and their family.
Pray For Your Child
& Keep In Touch
You can send emails, cards, photos, small packages, and more, or even visit!
Want To Learn More About Payment Info?
Payments are only $40 per month, and can be made conveniently online through our secure checkout process. You may prefer to pay once a quarter ($120) or once a year ($480). We also provide the option of setting up automatically recurring monthly payments through our secure payment solution.
Still Have Questions?
Contact Us Today
From The Director
Please help me!
On a trip to Michigan and Indiana I carried a suitcase with a burden so heavy I could hardly lift it. My suitcase contained over a hundred pictures of desperately needy Haitian children who have no hope and no future.
Those pictures and the accompanying case histories are a burden that breaks my heart as I hear the cries of the children: “Please, please, help me!”
These are the cries of real children—poor children who happened to be born in poverty in one of the poorest nations on earth. These are children robbed of the opportunity to become what their Creator intends them to be. They are children who can never live up to their potential in life without the help of someone like you to sponsor them.
For just $35 a month—you can make a miracle happen. Your support will provide food, clothing, education and opportunity for a better life. Your support will bring hope and a future to a child and his or her family.
I still have hundreds of pictures in my suitcase. Please take a minute and listen with me to their cries for help!
Thank you for your willingness to offer hope and a future to our children!
Yvan Pierre ICDM DirectorFrequently Asked Questions
Sponsoring a child is a big step and commitment. We’re here to walk you through the process and help in any way we can.The national director administers the funds along with an ICDM committee.
Sponsorship is $35 a month ($420 a year). You may send it in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual installments. Be sure to send your payments at the beginning of the period for which you are paying.
Sponsorship assistance is normally given to a child until he or she completes high school, college or professional school.
We hope your commitment will be for at least a year, and if possible until the child graduates. If at any time you feel unable to continue as a sponsor, you may write to the Sponsorship Ministries office, and we will try to find another sponsor for your child.
Eighty-six percent of the monthly support money is sent to the field office for the child. The remaining 14 percent is used to cover administrative costs. All accounts are audited regularly.
Still Have Questions?
Visit our entire list of Frequently Asked Questions or Get In Touch With Us Today.