“Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach him how to fish, feed him for a lifetime.”
Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with a per capita income of $790 per year and an average life-expectancy of 66 years. ICDM is committed to raising both the length and quality of life for Haitians and Dominicans. We do this by providing health education and medical services, and opportunities for greater economic independence. Here are some of the ways we seek to empower people:

Micro-Loan Program
Using seed money provided by our American partners, families are provided with small loans and business training to start their own businesses. Loans have been provided to underwrite bread-baking, soap-making, sewing, and retail. We hope to expand into the area of small engine mechanics soon. One of the more popular economic development programs is our G.O.A.T. program. For only $100 you can help a family become more self-sufficient through the purchase of a goat. The great thing about GOAT is that the whole family can get involved. Find out more here.
Agricultural Development
Many families we service still rely on farming for some of their food supplies. ICDM continues to share its modern agricultural technology with neighbors to provide them with greater food security. We also train all of our students at our school, regardless of intended career, in the basics of agriculture so they can help their families in this area.

Medical Clinic
With the completion of the Jaques S. Pierre Medical Clinic in 2018, we have been able to expand our ability to meet the medical needs of Bayonnais. Our staff of two physicians, nurse practitioners, mid-wife and lab tech treat 1000 cases per year. In addition to providing acute medical care, our team provides regular health education classes at our school and throughout the community, empowering people to take charge of their health. To find out more about our clinic and how you can get involved, please click here.
Senior Ministry
Some of the least empowered people in any modern society are its elderly.
Haiti has no public assistance programs to help them. The Jesus Loves Me Project combines discipleship with human development. It offers literacy training, health assistance, food, shelter, clothing, seeds and other necessities. It also addresses emotional and spiritual needs, and helps people to find a family in Jesus Christ and his people.

ICDM Family Homes
Nothing empowers a family like a clean, safe house to call their home. Building such homes are a stretch for many people in Haiti and the DR; for at-risk families like the widowed or abandoned, it is an impossibility. At ICDM we deal in impossibilities all the time. Through building impossible homes for those most in need we provide the hope needed to have an empowered future. You can learn more about ICDM Family Homes here.