Medical Clinic In Bayonnais, Haiti

Through the Grace of God and the financial support of our generous donors, we are happy to report that our new, modern Medical Clinic is now open and treating patients.
We correctly figured that our new Clinic would be serving a vast human need, but WOW did we underestimate things. Every day the Clinic is just jammed with patients. We are seeing everyone from newborns to the elderly and all ages in-between.
Demand has been so great that we have had to hire additional Medical Staff just to keep up. We now have two Haitian physicians, a Nurse Practitioner, a mid-wife, several Nurses and a Lab Tech.
It feels so good to finally realize our long-held dream of bringing modern medical care up into the rural mountains. And the local community is SO very appreciative! Many babies have been born and many lives have been saved.
But much important work remains to be done. And our needs remain many. Specifically --
1. We have on-going financial needs. If you are able, please help us with a monthly donation (of any amount). Nothing is too small. Click here to make a donation.
2. We are always looking for donations of good, used medical equipment and supplies. Things can be a bit expensive to ship down, but we can make it happen. Please contact Yvan at to donate.
3. We welcome all Medical Professionals (Doctors/Nurses, Nurse Practitioners/PA's, Dentists, Optometrists, etc.) to visit us in person for a life-changing Medical Mission trip. No matter what your medical specialty, we can put you to work in a way that will make you say -- "Wow, that what what I went to school for!" And we welcome your entire family as well. (It's a great way to help the next generation see first-hand what human kindness and compassion looks like.) Click here to learn more.
Friends, it is easy to see God at work at our little clinic up in the mountains. Please help us continue this important mission in any way that you are able.
Please contact me personally at if I can assist you in any way.
This truly, is work that matters.