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A (very) Important message from ICDM in Haiti


Dear friends of ICDM, As you may know, for 2019 we recently launched what is perhaps our most important charitable initiative ever.  It’s called our “Children’s Feeding Program”.  The reason we think our feeding program is so important is simple – Hunger and malnutrition. Hunger and malnutrition still looms large among our (now 700+) beautiful little children in Haiti.  We desperately need to be able to serve them a hot, nutritious lunch each school day.  But, unfortunately, financially we can’t….The money just isn’t there. And it plays out daily in the lives of our children.  Perhaps the best way to explain why we think it’s so important to feed our kids lunch, is to let you hear about one of our actual students.  “A day in the life of little Sheewan” Let me introduce you to little Sheewan,…