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ICDM: Still distributing hope...

Dear Friends of ICDM,
Imagine that on a sunny bright morning, you wake up. You are getting ready to have breakfast with your family. Then, suddenly, a band of armed intruders invades your house. They start shooting everywhere, destroying all your possessions. They also threaten to kidnap or kill you with your entire family, unless you abandon your dwelling.
Anxious to preserve your precious life, you gather what you can in a twinkle of an eye. Then you begin traveling to an unknown destination. The worst thing is, you have nowhere to call for help.
This is the situation in Port-au-Prince. I am not trying to be dramatic—this is what is actually happening there.
Hundreds of inhabitants, including some of the ICDM’s closest partners, are enduring this dilemma. They are forced to abandon homes, relatives, businesses, etc.
The gangs encircle the capital city from north to south and from east to west. Most educational establishments are closed. It is almost impossible to move goods from the capital to the other states and vice versa. Fuel is scarce. Inflation is up to fifty percent.
For over thirty years, the International Christian Development Mission, Inc. has engaged itself in educating, equipping, and empowering people to serve within their communities. Our methodology works. Amid the despair, ICDM continues to keep Hope alive.
Our children are in school. The medical clinic is open. 410 students are attending Bible schools in 10 separate locations. 70 students are attending classes in the schools of Evangelism in Port-de-Paix, Haiti, and Elias Piña, D.R., New churches are being planted. Animal husbandry, the feeding program, and agricultural programs are ongoing.
ICDM also continues to lead mission trips into the Dominican Republic:  the February Santiago Leadership conference and the April La Romana mission trip went excellently well. Please, pray for our upcoming June mission trips from Wyoming and Intercession City, FL to serve again in the D.R.
New believers in the Dominican Republic
Haitians are overwhelmed. I do ask for your continued partnership. We have over 109 dedicated frontline workers:
High school Teachers: 22; Primary school teachers and staff: 35; Health workers: 5; Bible Schools: 20; School of Evangelism and Administrators: 12; Agriculture, Animal husbandry & Credit program:15
You can help keep Hope alive:
  • Pray.
  • Feed the children and the elderly.
  • Provide shelter for people who have had to leave their homes.
  • Support the medical clinic/hospital.
  • Support micro credit.
  • Keep the children in school through sponsorship.
  • Come & serve in the Dominican Republic with ICDM.
You can do all this and more through our website: Join us in keeping hope alive!
God is faithful!
Rev. Yvan Pierre
ICDM Director