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Our loss, heaven's gain...


Dear friends of ICDM,

It is with great sadness thatwe announce the death of Mrs. Shirley J. McMillan who passed on to her heavenly rest on May 15, 2023

Shirley was a dear friend to me and my family. She offered me room and board during my last year at Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky.

She served as Communications Coordinator for the International Christian Development Mission from 2004 to 2011.

Shirley was quick to introduce ICDM to all her friends such as Rev. Melvin and Wilma Coil, Philip and Verna Smith, Harlo and Carol Huff, and Marlene Whiltlatch (to name just a few). She also participated in many short-term mission trips to Haiti and Colombia, South America.

Shirley has greatly helped turn ICDM into the vibrant ministry that it is today. Glory be to God and well done my sister!

I am personally blessed to have met and experienced ministerial life with Shirley for these past 22 years.

Shirley’s service will take place on May 27th in Elkhart, Indiana.

The ICDM family and I will miss you here, Shirley.

Rest In Peace, beloved Sister!

Reverend Yvan Pierre
ICDM Director

Shirley is the one with the pink hat.

Shirley is the one with the pink hat.