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ICDM: Summer Update 2024

Dear ICDM partners,
Thanks to the grace of God and your faithfulness ICDM continues to provide hope to the people of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Even though things remain tense in Haiti our ministry there continues to flourish. We held an animal distribution day on May 9th. On June 30 we will hold our school graduation, with 30  in our first class of Baccalaureate grads. We continue extend our ministries into various parts of Haiti through our Portable Bible Schools and Schools of evangelism. This year we have seen a total of 415 men and women complete our training so that they can have a greater impact on their communities. The Gospel of the Prince of Peace is especially relevant at this juncture in Haitian history. Thank you for standing with us during this time
Animal distribution day always brings great joy
Taking care of living things develops character.
Graduation Day brings forth many smiles.
A great future awaits.
Well over 10 years ago ICDM ventured into the Dominican Republic by training some of the pastors and other Christian workers there. Since then, our work in the DR has flourished. In February we graduated 46 people from our Portable Bible School in La Romana. We also held a youth retreat in April, which blessed the next generation of young Dominicans. Our presence in the Dominican enabled us to pivot our annual Leadership Conference from Haiti where travel is currently difficult, to Santiago in the DR. This year we hosted over 100 people from all over Haiti and the DR for some days of encouragement and learning. We believe in equipping and empowering the saints of God for the work of ministry.
Dominican children’s retreat.
Pastor Yvan congratulating a PBS grad in La Romana, DR
In its nearly 35 years of existence ICDM has never backed down from challenges. Over the years we have faced earthquakes, several hurricanes, a cholera outbreak, and political instability. In each situation we believe it was our calling to stand with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a beacon of hope for those struggling in the darkness. Thank you for standing with us through prayer, through visits, and through financial support.
You may recall that I sent out a special appeal at Easter because of the difficulties in Haiti. I was humbled by your response. You responded with great generosity. Thank you so much.
When you watch the news, you will find people reporting stories of despair from Haiti and the DR. Haiti struggles with political instability and the DR with longstanding racial tension. We do not see these challenges as cause for discouragement but rather as opportunities to share the Good News about Jesus Christ, the one who has the real answers to these problems. Thank you for being part of the solution
Rev. Yvan Pierre,
Founder and Director of ICDM
PS - For a little fun, have a look at the video of the Animal Distribution parade.