School of Evangelism
"Mission leaders are calling me every day to thank me for the effectiveness of our graduates."- Rosemond Pierre, School Director -

We praise the name of the Lord for giving us this great tool for training evangelists. All of our graduates are involved in evangelistic ministry, and most have become trainers of evangelists. They are serving as counselors for youth ministry, mission leaders, evangelism coordinators and church planters.
“Now if I die,” said one leader, “I know for sure I am leaving the mission in the hands of trained and faithful men and women who have hearts for evangelization.”
Portable Bible Schools
The Training Network for Evangelical Leaders of Haiti (TINELH) is:A specialized ministry of the International Christian Development Mission.
Working in partnership with evangelical Haitian churches to train and prepare competent leaders for Christian ministry.
Intensive, short-term, basic Bible training for leaders of local churches.
Portable and affordable Bible training that goes to where the leaders are. It provides Bible training close to home for men and women who have heard the call of Jesus Christ to serve in the church. Students need not leave their families for long periods of time in a distant Bible school.
Flexible, tailoring the classes to the needs and availability of students. Normally it is offered in a two-month term, five days a week, with students returning home on weekends. Classes may also be conducted in two-week segments, or on weekends.
The Program
TINELH uses a basic Bible curriculum text, Shepherding God’s Flock, compiled by Thelma Braun of Evangelism Resources and printed in Haiti in both French and Creole. The basic curriculum covers: The Books of the Bible Bible, Doctrines, Homiletics (Preaching), Shepherding the Flock of the Lord, Preparation for Service, and Liaison with Denominations. These six basic courses, plus additional, optional courses, are designed to help workers become more effective leaders and servants in God’s kingdom. Students are evaluated by means of objective tests, practical work assignments, homework, attendance, and participation in discussions. Upon successful completion of the required courses the student receives a certificate, presented at an impressive cap and gown graduation ceremony with a commencement speaker and special music.
Still Have Questions?
Contact Us TodayHow the Program Works
TINELH is overseen by a Central Coordinating Committee and by Regional Coordinating Committees. The committees promote and supervise the training program, find capable instructors, provide materials, and facilitate the opening of new classes with a minimum of 30 to 40 students. They plan graduation ceremonies, provide graduation certificates, provide follow-up training and encouragement, and encourage lifelong study of the Word of God.
TINELH instructors must possess a high-quality academic/theological degree and assure a standard of excellence for the classes they teach. They are responsible for preparing objective tests, organizing stages and practice for students, assigning homework, and submitting students’ names and final grades to the regional coordinator for graduation.
TINELH students must take part in all initiatives intended to help the class function well. They must actively participate in the training and do everything possible to assure the success of the class.TINELH belongs to the churches, not to the TINELH committee. Committee members are facilitators and encouragers whose job is to help the churches accomplish their task and mission.
TINELH partners are the churches who facilitate class openings by providing a room for the class to meet and encouraging members to take part in the training. They agree to respect the TINELH rules and disciplines, and the church committee takes part in the graduation.
TINELH training does not grant a title or confer a degree. It does not make a person a pastor. The TINELH graduate does not know everything there is to know about the Bible.
After completing the TINELH courses, however, the graduate is equipped to do a better job in his or her area of ministry.
Needs and Challenges
The goal of ICDM is to train and equip 5,000 workers by the year 2007. Classes have already been completed in the Port-au-Prince, Gonaives and Cap-Haitien areas, with 900 graduates to date. Many churches and denominations all over Haiti are now requesting the training and waiting for us to bring it to them.
Funds are needed for printing handbooks, purchasing Bibles, and providing a basic resource library ($300) to be available for students and pastors in each Bible school location.
We need partners to provide scholarship funds ($50 per student) or to sponsor an entire class ($1,500 for a class of 30 students). These funds would provide books, Bibles, food, teachers’ salaries, cap and gown rental, certificates, auditorium rental, transportation and other administrative costs.
To become a partner, please go to our Donate page and become a TINELH Partner today by donating. Select "Portable Bible School" from the dropdown list.
We need prayer partners to wrestle with us against the forces of evil that have held Haiti in bondage and darkness for over 200 years. At its founding as a nation, Haiti’s leaders dedicated it to the devil, exchanging slavery to French colonial power for slavery to Satan. Built on the wrong foundation, Haiti is a house in shambles. Its leaders have failed, its social structure has failed, its economy has failed, and its people are suffering as a result.
We are training a new generation, founded on God’s Word, to bring Haiti to a new day of hope and freedom and light. Our training is open to women as well as men, because women are the key to building strong families, and strong families are the key to building a strong nation.