Our Vision
To teach and preach the good news of Jesus Christ. To help impoverished people become self-supporting. To educate and motivate children, youth and adults."What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? ...As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."- James 2:14, 26 (NIV) -
Because of the mandate, ICDM provides:
Food for the hungry • Shelter for the homeless • Clothing for the destitute • Education for the children • Literacy training for the adults • Clean drinking water for the thirsty • Health and healing ministries for the sick • Work for the unemployed • Micro-business opportunities for the financially dependent.
Sponsor A Child TodayLeadership
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits" (Psalm 103:2).
Through you, our faithful ICDM partners, God has provided benefits to bless the people we serve in Haiti.
Because of you, we have been able to respond with emergency aid following numerous catastrophes: hurricanes, tropical storms, floods, earthquake, cholera epidemic and more.
Because of you, more than 5,000 pastors and church leaders have attended leadership training courses and learned how to minister more effectively to the people in their churches and communities.
Because of you, many tons of needed supplies have been shipped to Haiti. School buses and shipping containers loaded with food, medical supplies, building materials, tools, fabrics, clothing, shoes, school supplies, furniture, equipment and much more have been shipped to the ports of St. Marc and Gonaives, and from there to our ministry partners in Bayonnais and other locations.
Because of you, children and young people are going to grade school and colleges in Bayonnais, Gonaives, Cap-Haitien, Pignon and Port-au-Prince. Because of your faithful sponsorship, these students now have hope and the possibility of a better future.
Read Yvan's Testimony Here
Will Haryslak
Director of ICDM Family Homes

Sabrina Terrill
Read Intro Letter
Sponsorship Manager Relations
International Staff

Rosemond Pierre
National Coordinator - Haiti
Our History
Greetings to my partners in the Gospel!
October 2024 will mark 35 years since we opened our affiliated School, “Ecole Henri Christophe de Bayonnais” to educate some of the poorest children in the Western Hemisphere and offer them hope and a brighter future.
Conditions in Bayonnais were hopeless. Eighty percent of the people could not read or write. There was no school available for parents to send their children.
The nearest school was too far away for young children — a walk of four or five hours over rugged mountain paths. For girls, the situation was even worse, because most parents refused to send them to school.
I was born and grew up in Bayonnais. God blessed me with the blessings of salvation and an education. Believing that we are blessed so that we can bless others (Genesis 12:3-5), I resolved to change the situation for the people of Bayonnais. God opened my hands and my heart to pass these blessings on to future generations. In October 1989 we opened our ICDM School with a handful of students. Today we have more than 800 in grades K-6.
I quickly recognized that such a mission requires a team to accomplish it. This is why I keep coming to you to ask for your partnership.
Thank you for standing with me for those children. Partners like you help to turn dreams into reality.
God’s Word is an integral part of all our teaching. We help our students discover and develop their God-given abilities. Some of our former students are now teaching in our school. Others are pursuing career training in medicine, nursing, teaching, auto mechanics, Business management, construction and agronomy. And 60 percent of our students are girls.
How have we survived for 35 years? Only by the grace of God! I believe that “when God calls, He also guides and provides.”
Faith has brought us to where we are, and faith will lead us home. I am counting on your continued partnership with ICDM. As the Lord blesses you, please continue to be a blessing to the children of Bayonnais. Thank you so much!
Yvan Pierre ICDM DirectorHelpful Links
Click on the links below to visit websites and online resources used by ICDM.Evangelism Resources
Evangelism Resources provides curriculum for the TINELH program and the Schools of Evangelism.
Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway is an online, searchable Bible resource. It has the text of the Bible in many translations and languages, and study helps for personal use.
Frequently Asked Questions
Sponsoring a child is a big step and commitment. We’re here to walk you through the process and help in any way we can.Sponsorship assistance is normally given to a child until he or she completes high school, college or professional school.
Yes. Your child will write to you several times a year. For younger children, a friend or family member will write the letters. You will receive the original letter, written in Creole, with the English translation on the back. You will also receive an updated photo of your child every two years.
Yes. When you write to your child, he/she will know your name and will treasure the thought that you really care. You may send your letter, written in English, to the ICDM address in Florida, and the national director will give your letter and its translation to your child.
You are not required to write, but your letters will be very meaningful to your child. Children like to know about their sponsors.
You could send a family photo and tell about each family member. You could write about your pets, hobbies, family projects, church and school activities, special events, even about the weather where you live. You could send Bible verses with words of encouragement, and tell your child that you are praying for him or her and his and family.
The national director administers the funds along with an ICDM committee.
We hope your commitment will be for at least a year, and if possible until the child graduates. If at any time you feel unable to continue as a sponsor, you may write to the Sponsorship Ministries office, and we will try to find another sponsor for your child.
Yes. You may send monetary gifts, but we ask that you do not send packages because of the many problems encountered: (1) Packages are often lost, stolen or badly damaged before they reach a child. (2) Duties and taxes charged by the customs office may be more than the value of the gift, and can create a financial hardship for the family or the field director. (3) Choosing the proper clothing sizes can be difficult. Because of malnutrition and illness, many children do not grow and develop at the normal rate of children in their age group in the U.S.
Exceptions: Small, flat items that fit in an envelope may be sent through the ICDM Sponsorship Ministries office. Examples of acceptable items would be bookmarks, stickers, small pictures, cards, a small craft, hair ribbons, and barrettes. Please specify on the envelope the name of the child and his/her sponsorship number.
(1) Please make all checks payable to ICDM and specify the intended use of the money. The entire gift amount will be given to the child’s family with no deductions. (2) Specify the child’s name and number and the occasion for the gift. (3) Indicate any specific items you wish to provide, such as clothing, food, medical supplies, school supplies, Bible, hymnbook, books, doll, ball, etc. (4) You may want to designate a gift to benefit the entire family, for instance, chickens, ducks, geese, goats, or cows.
Note: Many children appreciate receiving a Bible and hymnbook of their own, since the churches do not provide them. When you designate money for a Bible or hymnbook, the field director will purchase it and present it to the child. Prices are $10 each.
Sponsorship is $35 a month ($420 a year). You may send it in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual installments. Be sure to send your payments at the beginning of the period for which you are paying.
Make your checks payable to: ICDM Sponsorship Program.
A reminder will be sent only if your support falls behind. You can help us keep administrative costs low by sending your payments on time, without reminders.
Eighty-six percent of the monthly support money is sent to the field office for the child. The remaining 14 percent is used to cover administrative costs. All accounts are audited regularly.
Yes. Extra gifts are welcome! There are always special needs and projects that need funding